Healy Power Plants

Healy Power Plant is composed of 2 generating units:


  • 28-megawatt (MW)
  • Operational since 1967


  • 60兆瓦
  • Began burning coal in 1998, 但一直处于预热状态,直到2013年12月从阿拉斯加工业发展和出口管理局(AIDEA)购买,并于2015年5月重新上线
  • The plant has been commercially operated since September 2018



  • In November 2012, 金谷电力协会(GVEA)与, AIDEA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was approved
  • 争论的焦点是原子能机构重新发放飞行许可证,这是重启希利核电站2号机组的最后一个主要障碍
  • 金谷公司选择了EPA的同意令选项, 否则, 空中许可程序没有明确的终点——《mg冰球突破豪华版下载》避免了合作公寓认为冗长而昂贵的诉讼

Consent Decree Stipulations

  • GVEA同意在希利2号机组上安装最严格的排放控制装置, 估计成本为3000万美元,其中包括估计500万美元用于在希利1号机组上安装额外的一氧化二氮控制装置
  • GVEA agreed to pay $250,为费尔班克斯北星区和德纳里区柴火炉更换计划提供资金,这将有助于缓解内陆的颗粒物问题.
  • GVEA negotiated for a minimal payment of $115,支付给EPA -根据同意法令的规定,需要支付给EPA

同意令没有要求任何强制关闭日期,无论是1号机组还是2号机组. GVEA董事会对关闭任何一家工厂的决定保留完全控制权.

History of the Plant

1989年,美国加入了欧盟.S. 美国能源部清洁煤技术项目选择希利作为示范工厂,使用实验技术燃烧废煤. 希利2号机组于1998年开始燃烧煤炭,并在1999年的测试阶段间歇性发电. When the plant failed a 90-day commercial operation test, it was placed in warm lay-up status in early 2000. Talks between AIDEA and GVEA to resolve disputes were unsuccessful. In 2005, AIDEA filed a lawsuit against GVEA. The purchase of the power plant ended the lawsuit.

1993 Final Environmental Impact Statement:

Construction Funding

  • Department Of 能源 – $120 million
  • Alaska Legislature – $25 million
  • AIDEA – $150 million
  • GVEA and Usibelli Coal Mine – $10 million plus in-kind contributions



  • 美国能源部选择希利2号机组(原HCCP)作为清洁煤技术计划示范电厂

1995 to 1997

  • 健康单元2 constructed

1997 to 2000

  • Healy 2 Demonstration run (failed)


  • Plant placed in warm lay-up status


  • GVEA and AIDEA reach sale agreement

2009 to 2013

  • 谈判于2013年12月完成,12月4日签署了购买协议

2014 to 2015

  • After 18 months of retrofitting and refurbishing 健康单元2, which included additional pollution controls, updating systems and replacing obsolete controls, 5月28日, 2015, 8月4日,该工厂自2000年以来首次点火, 2015, 健康单元2 was fired on coal

2016 to 2017

  • 3月3日, 2016, when the plant was operating in a start-up condition, transferring from oil to coal, 健康单元2 experienced a fire/explosion in the coal feed system
  • 11月2日, 2016, 健康2号机组的给煤系统因自燃而受损, commonly known in the industry as a “puff”
  • At GVEA’s August 28, 2017 board meeting, 董事们授权对希利2号机组的煤饲料和燃料运输系统进行拟议的修改
  • 1号机组和2号机组都经历了重大的环境升级- 1号机组提前6个月成功投产- 2号机组的环境控制装置已经安装,一旦工厂重新上线,将投入使用, anticipated in the fall of 2018


  • 1月至6月:拆除旧的燃料输送系统,重新设计系统的施工/安装
  • 7月2日:第一次用油(点火燃料)点火,随后系统启动和测试
  • July 28: First-fire on coal, followed by tuning and testing
  • 8月16日:实现满负荷运行,随后进行了额外的调优和测试
  • 9月14日:成功完成30天85%可用性的运行,实现商业运行/验收
  • 10月10日:计划停机安装SCR催化剂(最终排放控制组件)
  • November December: Commercial operation


  • January to April: Commercial operation
  • April: Scheduled outage took place, to perform annual maintenance
  • May: Resumed commercial operation
  • June – August: Plant ran consistently, though often at reduced load, 由于布袋房和烟气脱硫(FGD)系统的问题
  • 9月:工厂下线2周,更换箱包袋,维修拖渣链
  • 10月9日至15日:对渣拖链、湿灰斗式提升机进行维修
  • October 21 to 22: Repairs made to bucket elevator
  • 11月:工厂下线时,原系统设计导致锅炉水被石灰污染,需要一周时间冲洗锅炉再燃
  • 12月:煤质问题(低BTU湿煤)和持续的渣拖问题


  • January 25 to February 6: Offline for slag drag repairs
  • February to March: Good run with 52 days online
  • April to May: Operating, but continued to battle issues with the slag drag, bucket elevator and FGD systems
  • June 8 to 17: Dynamic classifier bearing failure; plant at half-load
  • 7月至8月:计划停机-贝尼泰克对湿灰系统进行了重大升级和/或维修, which includes slag drag conveyor, 底灰输送机和斗式提升机- GVEA修复输送输送机

健康单元2 Videos

Coal Ash Handling Systems

健康第一单元: The former coal ash handling system, constructed in the 1990s, consisted of a primary settling pond (Ash Pond), a Recirculating Pond, an Emergency Overflow Pond, and an Ash Drying Area (defined as a CCR landfill by the CCR Rule). 所有三个池塘都被切开,储存体积小于20英亩英尺,高度小于20英尺. 来自灰池的煤灰被放置在灰干燥区,在Usibelli煤矿(UCM)运输和处置之前,多余的水被排干和蒸发。. 灰沉降池和灰干燥区构成了CCR规则规定的四个CCR单元. After closure of Unit 1’s coal ash settling ponds in 2021, 1号机组产生的煤灰被输送到2号机组的机械拖动输送系统. 2个机组的混合煤灰在卸载运输和UCM最终处置之前被输送到筒仓进行中间储存.

健康第二单元: 采用干法处理工艺和机械拖动输送系统对生成的煤灰进行管理. 2号机组的煤灰在运输和在UCM处理之前中间储存在筒仓中.


Northern Intertie

Northern IntertieGVEA energized the Northern Intertie in October 2003. 这条全长97英里、230千伏的线路是GVEA提高系统可靠性的举措之一. This transmission line stretches between Healy and Fairbanks. Golden Valley is the northern control point for the Alaska Intertie, which serves most Railbelt communities. 这条输电线路沿着帕克斯高速公路走廊,在威洛和希利之间延伸. Through the Alaska Intertie, GVEA is connected to Chugach Electric Association, Matanuska Electric Association, 荷马电气协会和苏厄德市的电力系统.

Both interties allow GVEA to augment our 296 MW generation capacity, with an additional 70 MW from southern utilities.